
The season is changing, the air is a little cooler, the trees sway a little harder and hearing the crisp leaves up together, makes a beautiful sound, bringing a sense of calmness and peace. The leaves began to change colors, beautiful, oranges, browns, nude warm tones, fill the atmosphere. Making for a beautiful painting, you can purchase at an art district.

Autumn… 🍂🍁 

I don’t know if you feel it, But there is a shift in the atmosphere. The Lord is doing something great in this season. As the seasons change, so do we. For some of us, like myself, a birthday is coming up, the change is, we are just a little bit older. Perhaps the change is a new job? New love? New home? New vision? Something New is in the atmosphere and it feels amazing!

For some of us, we have felt stuck for a very long time. Seasons have come and seasons have gone. Yet, we have remained the same. It seems like the world around us is shifting, perhaps you are seeing others being blessed. Perhaps you are seeing others in the same predicament as yourself. Look at yourself, and ask yourself what have you allowed in your life, to keep you stagnant? Is it perhaps no one, but yourself? Your mind has trapped you in where you can’t move forward. 

Has it become simple for you to blame someone else for your stagnancy? Because it just feels better to know someone else can take the blame for what you have done to yourself? It’s time for a SHIFT. No more BLAMING, it’s time to face yourself. When you do this you will realize the FREEDOM that comes with it. 

Take a deep breath in….. let the cool crisp yet warm apple, cinnamon, pumpkin spice air, hit your lungs and then breathe out. This is your season of peace. 


What do you think?

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