I had posted this some time ago, I heard the Lord, I heard it! It fell in my spirit so strongly. REWARD! This was the word He gave me.
This is the SEASON many will be REWARDED for their diligence, fervency, and obedience. Wooh! It came like a rush, like a wave crashing against the rocks.
Your RECOMPENSE is here.
Like Job, a man who had it all, lost it all. Yet, the father Rewarded Him, recompense came and He was restored and renewed. In this way He gained His reward. In this way ESTHER gained her reward, so will you.
The Lord says, you are NOW READY for the reward He has for you. Had He given it to you any sooner, you would have DESTROYED it. Now, you are ready. Open your HANDS, and receive what the Lord is about to give you.
His REWARD IS GREATER THAN What you could have imagined, it is greater than the prayers you have cried out to him for! I feel it, so strongly here we are entering into this new year, 2024!
I believe someone else will confirm this message.
Your REWARD is coming.
YOUR PRODIGALS ARE RETURNING, they are feeling the conviction of the seed planted in them called the Holy Spirit.
Your FINANCES are about to take a shift, the Lord is teaching many on good stewardship, increasing there giving by faith, they will reap a Huge blessing. He’s also showing many how to INVEST.
HEALING in your body! Many will see creative miracles. New structures, rejuvenated cells, neurons and tissue growth. HEALING in the mind! You will see a new thought process bring you Newer HEIGHTS.
RESTORATION of Marriages and Family members also. The Lord will show you Strategic ways to maintain Unity. No more strife! No more turmoil, no more going to bed angry, or crying yourself to sleep. When morning comes, a new beginning has taken place.
Those who have been SINGLE, the lord has sheltered you, for a season, it may have felt like a lengthy season, but it is soon to be over! I hear EXPEDITE! Don’t be afraid of how QUICKLY the Lord will move in your life in this area. It’s happening, He’s heard your prayers! Are you READY?
BABIES are coming. The BARREN will cry out like Hannah, the Lord says this will be your Last cry! He has heard you! And will honor your grieving state of mind! He’s heard you cry till you lost your breath in prayer! Touch your womb!
Revelation 14:2
And I heard a voice from heaven, like the voice of many waters, and like the voice of loud thunder. And I heard the sound of harpists playing their harps.
Romans 2:6
God “will repay each person according to what they have done.”
His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’You
1 comment
I am returning as the prodigal in many ways. God is whispering my name!!!!