I don’t know about you, but there have been many times where my heart was burdened with secrecy. Can we just be honest? We don’t want people to know our business. We become afraid of the chatter, and the potential of what people may think about us. A great deal of shame, question what if? What if people judge me? What if people begin to see a different light?
“I Look so good on social media,” What would happen if you open the closet door that remain closed for so many years? The very door that holds your darkest secrets? It doesn’t necessarily mean everyone has to know your business, But have you even discussed it with the Lord? Although God knows all things, There is power in confession.
Are you tired? Are you heavy burdened? Is the weight of your secret holding you down? If it is, I urge you to begin to talk to God about it, find a solid loyal friend, Don’t be afraid. If you want to break free, you can’t continue to hold it in. The more you hold it in, the more you will suffer.
Pride is very ugly. For many you holding in, which should be let out so that you may be set free, Holding you back from fulfilling your own purpose. It’s holding you back from breaking generational curses, It’s holding you back from your promise. Today find a mentor, find someone you can speak to. I know it’s hard… but I have found my people. I refuse to die in silence.
James 5:16 "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed". This verse suggests that confessing sins to other believers can have a healing power