Have you ever come to the place where you have been angry at your own flesh, because of your constant failures. Have you ever felt like giving up because you felt like the flesh was overtaking the spirit? Time and time again you continue to fall and you know there are consequences, but the fall at this point, is so constant, you’ve become numb to the consequences.
This is how people are living their lives every single day. We are people, that have become so numb to consequences. We have, an I don’t care attitude. But, something happens in the presence of the Lord, in where you fall apart time and time again in His presence. How is it that we can fall apart in His presence, and then leave His presence, and go back to doing the very things he tells us to stop doing?
This is what the enemy does, He causes deception, and we believe that we can live this double life in front of people, but behind closed doors is where God really wants to capture your heart. Paul was a man who struggled, 2 Corinthians 12:8 says, “Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me”. In this verse, Paul is asking God to remove a “thorn in the flesh,” which is a struggle he is experiencing. God responds by telling Paul that his grace is enough and that his power is made perfect in weakness.
Today be angry enough to make a change. You cannot live a double life and expect God to bless mess.