I am in Celebration MODE! Amongst the many things I am doing! I wanted to share my excitement! I did it, finally! I have reached the end of my studies for Certified Natural Health Professional, moving forward to my ND degree. I have helped so many along the way find natural healing. Now I get to show my degree plan behind it. 

After finishing my Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy back in 2020, I decided in 2023 to enroll back into school to study Naturopathy. I fell sick in 2023, I was literally bedridden. I knew the Lord led me to find ways to heal so in turn I could use what He gave me to help others. 


Here we are, I am extending my services to you! So many are on the right path to healing because we are working together, I didn't want to offer my services until I came to the end of my studies and here we are!

AHHHHHH!!!! send me your health concerns or questions. Feel free to email me your concerns, I will send you a questionnaire, I will review your answers, and build a plan with you for $57, (If you are a part of Emerge Group,it will be $47) I will ask questions in this time frame via email, I will show you what natural supplements you can take, or what Herbs can help, I will also offer discounted prices to some wellness products. Your healing is important to me. Weather it be Anxiety, sleeplessness, adrenals, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, digestive health, Thyroids, Detoxes, pain, inflammation, Blood pressure, etc... I will help you find you again. 

This price will remain for a limited time. 

Email me: Jeanette@iamsimplyj.com


What do you think?

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