Transition Can Be Scary …

Transition is a form of change. The Bible says Gods presence is with us though through it all. 

Joshua 1:9:Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” As Joshua faced the transition of leading Israel into the Promised Land, this verse reassures of God’s constant presence.

This scripture shows me I don’t have to be afraid. I just have to stand firm in the process. Confidence will allow me to continue to trust in God. Seasons of transition can feel so scary. Sometimes, I believe we are just afraid of the unknown. We have all these questions like what if? The beauty of this life is that you only live once. Take your chances now. 

Prayer is essential for calming the spirit and seeking God’s guidance during transitions. Don’t just make a sudden transition, wait on the Lord. He really does answer us. It’s ok to block the opinions of others, because trust me people will have them. When God speaks, no one can contradict, not even you. What is this season calling you to do? Transition doesn’t always mean getting up and leaving, what if the transition is inside of you? 

Whether it is work, position, ministry, destination, etc. You must know, you are not alone. When God says that he is doing a new thing in you although it may feel uncomfortable, go with the ride. Later on you will understand why. 

Transition Can Be Scary …

1 comment

Thank u for the reminder that God is in control


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